
happy pigs from the mountains

This is the slogan of Las Laous, the pig farm where we have spent the last 7 weeks getting involved in sperm to plate farming. Sounds delicious right? Well you would be correct, their pork is the tastiest pork I’ve ever had on my fork – so good in fact that we consumed it at […]

Paris you Sexy Thing

Stepping off that plane 30 hours after you left your destination is pure ecstasy – it would seem life couldn’t get any better. That is until you hit that customs line… and there are those people pushing past you who are clearly unsure how a line works.  Once you clear that hurdle then there’s baggage […]

lemony almond honey syrup cake

  The weather in New Zealand yesterday was wet, windy and wild – perfect conditions to get my bake on. I use any excuse to bake. It’s the weekend. Guests are coming. It’s a day with the letter d it in. The sky hasn’t fallen in. They’re all completely valid. Baking with lemon is the […]

No Knead Bread

Whipping out a loaf of this bread at your next dinner party will get your guests thinking you’ve enslaved an Italian nona. It’s that good. And whats better is – this bread requires NO kneading, yes that’s right, no kneading. I was enlightened into this world of no knead bread when I was working on an […]

The French Cafe

Soooo, another foray to The French Cafe, 210 Symonds St, Auckland. By far the pinnacle of dining out in New Zealand. Yes, the options and quality when it comes to eating out in New Zealand, especially Auckland, are a totally different story than even 5 years ago. The French Cafe was way ahead of the […]