
eating out
We thought it would be necessary nice to add a bit of balance to our foodie holiday in Italy and since we’re now expert level hikers after our time in the Pyrenees. We would get this balance in the form of hiking. Now, if you’ve ever been to the west coast of Italy, particularly Cinque Terre...
So it rolled round, the 20th of August and our last day on holiday with Sue and Chilli. We thought it called for something special… lunch maybe? The South of France has many things to offer, but it doesn’t get much better than a lunch at Mirazur with a view back down the coast to...
Stepping off that plane 30 hours after you left your destination is pure ecstasy – it would seem life couldn’t get any better. That is until you hit that customs line… and there are those people pushing past you who are clearly unsure how a line works.  Once you clear that hurdle then there’s baggage...
Soooo, another foray to The French Cafe, 210 Symonds St, Auckland. By far the pinnacle of dining out in New Zealand. Yes, the options and quality when it comes to eating out in New Zealand, especially Auckland, are a totally different story than even 5 years ago. The French Cafe was way ahead of the...
We all know winter is coming, whether you live in Westeros or somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere – it’s coming for you. To slightly delay this natural phenomenon we decided a trip to the top of the North Island was in order. We packed up the trusty Corolla with a bunch of goodies from the...
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